Environmental Controllers

What Are Grow Room Controllers? … With a grow room controller, you can set your space to a specific temperature or even adjust the humidity, meaning you are in more control of the production of your crops.

Fan Speed Grow Room Controllers

Along with water and light, plants within an indoor grow room need plenty of airflow or ventilation to avoid dry conditions that can deteriorate the quality of your crops.

Grow Room Controllers for Temperature Control

Although fan speed controllers technically play a role in temperature control, these dedicated grow room controllers are either cooling thermostats or day/night thermostats that keep temperatures regulated without a fan.

Grow Room Controllers for Humidity Control

We all know that excessive humidity can leave us feeling hot and uncomfortable, and plants are no exception to that sensation. To keep your plants safe from temps that could potentially reach well over 100 degrees with the humidity, check out our Titan Controls, Sentinel or other humidity controllers.

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