Fans & Mufflers

You need an air extractor fan system to keep the air in your grow room or grow tent fresh. Fans blow air constantly above, under, and around your plants, helping to keep the grow room cool and improve air circulation

The most critical fan in the growing area is often the exhaust fan. It is capable of removing heat and moisture from the grow room, as both accumulate rapidly in indoor growing situations. Indoor growers typically require an exhaust fan capable of exchanging the volume of air in the room within five minutes.

Fans have long been used for climate control in greenhouses. Their benefits are well documented – proper air movement helps regulate temperature and humidity as well as improves photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, carbon dioxide/oxygen replacement, stem strength and resistance to disease.

The Importance of Indoor Grow FansFans are an incredibly important parts of growing cannabis indoors, as they help to distribute all of the fresh air coming in through your air filtration system, while stopping any pockets of stagnant air from forming.

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